What Are My Teeth Whitening Options?

Apr 09, 2018

A simple stroll down the oral hygiene aisle in your local drug store or even while watching commercials on TV, it’s no secret that the desire to have white teeth is very prevalent and widespread. Is this true for you? Some of us have some discoloration on our teeth thanks to that cup of coffee in the morning we can’t go without, or maybe that glass of merlot that goes so well with our steak. Whatever the reason may be, there’s no reason you can’t have that coffee and a brilliantly white smile. How can you achieve the results and the pace and comfort level you desire? Read on to find out how you can have the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

In-Office Boost

If you’re looking for a whitening option that can yield results in about an hour, then the in-office treatment we offer here at Willow Park Dental might be the answer to your woes. Using Opalescence Boost technology, this process is administered by using a double shrine activation system, meaning you get a fresh set of active whitening agent twice, given at twenty-minute intervals. After the treatment is given, we provide a custom application tray and Zoom! teeth whitening gel.

Take-Home Treatment

If you struggle with sensitivity, or would rather your whitening results to be achieved at a more customized pace, then take-home treatment may be best for you. By use of customized application trays and the desired whitening gel, you can have the same results as in-office treatments in about two weeks.

What’s Right for Me?

It is always best to consult your doctor to understand the reason behind your tooth discoloration in order to take the best course of action. Even if conventional tooth whitening isn’t the right option for you, feel free to ask us about our cosmetic dentistry. Call us today to have a more beautiful smile!