How May a Gingival Abscess Be Drained?

Dec 01, 2022
A tooth abscess is a pus-filled pocket caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can form in various locations near the tooth for various reasons. A periapical abscess develops at the root’s tip. A periodontal abscess develops in the gums near a tooth root. This page contains information about periapical abscesses. A periapical tooth abscess is usually caused by an untreated dental cavity, an injury, or previous dental work. The resulting infection, which includes irritation and swelling (inflammation), can lead to an abscess at the root’s tip. A tooth abscess is treated by a dentist draining it and removing the infection. A root canal treatment may be able to save your tooth. However, in some cases, your tooth may need to be extracted. Untreated tooth abscesses can lead to serious, even life-threatening complications. The dentist makes a small incision on the abscess to allow the pus to drain. The dentist then uses salt water to clean the area (saline). A small rubber drain is occasionally placed to keep the area open for drainage while the swelling subsides.

When to Receive Gum Abscess Treatment?

If your gums become swollen or bleeding unexpectedly, or if the pain radiates through your jaw, you may have a gum abscess. This type of acute condition will necessitate a visit to the dental clinic in Calgary as soon as possible to receive treatment and pain relief. While discovering you have a gum abscess can be frightening, the good news is that the dentist can treat it effectively. If you also have the following symptoms, you must seek an abscess treatment at Willow Park Dental.
  • A severe, throbbing toothache can spread to your jawbone, neck, or ear.
  • Hot and cold temperatures cause pain or discomfort.
  • Pain or discomfort caused by chewing or biting pressure
  • Fever
  • Face, cheek, or neck swelling that may cause difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • If the abscess ruptures, you will experience a sudden rush of foul-smelling and foul-tasting salty fluid in your mouth and pain relief.

What Are the Stages of an Abscess?

A tooth abscess is a type of advanced tooth decay. Stages of a tooth abscess include: 1. Enamel Degeneration The first stage is enamel damage, which affects the outer layer of the teeth. Plaque buildup is a common cause of enamel decay. Some people may not have any symptoms. Others experience tooth sensitivity or decalcified white spots, making them more susceptible to enamel breakdown. 2. Decay of the Dentin If your enamel decay is not treated, it will spread to the next layer of your tooth. Dentin is the yellowish second layer of the tooth. During this stage, many people will experience increased tooth sensitivity. In some cases, a small hole in your tooth may form. 3. Decay of the Pulp The soft inner pulp is the tooth structure’s deepest layer. Bacteria can attack the tooth’s nerve if they reach this layer. This frequently results in excruciating tooth pain. In addition, the tooth’s nerve eventually dies, and an abscess forms. 4. Abscess Development Once bacteria has reached your pulp, it has the potential to spread deeper into your gums or jawbone. As a result, your gums might swell, and you may notice a small bump on your gums. This may feel like a throbbing pain in your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissue. 5. Serious Complications If your tooth abscess is not treated, it can cause severe symptoms. The most common are as follows:
  • Tooth loss — severe tooth decay can make your teeth fall out
  • Sepsis — bacteria may enter your bloodstream and cause sepsis, a potentially fatal Gingival abscess treatment

How Can You Prevent Abscess Formation?

The best way to prevent oral health is to practice good oral hygiene. The tips recommended by your dentist in Calgary for preventing dental abscesses include:
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. You can use either a manual or an electric toothbrush.
  • Replace your toothbrush after every three months.
  • Using dental floss, floss sticks, or a water flosser to floss between your teeth daily
  • Daily use of fluoride or antiseptic mouth rinse to help prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay
  • Maintaining professional dental care. This is by visiting your dentist twice a year for routine teeth cleanings, x-rays, and dental exams.
  • Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet
  • Sugar consumption should be reduced.