Often times, the reason we are truly not able to enjoy the moment and smile, is because we are self-conscious of our teeth. If you feel that your teeth are misaligned,
Willow Park Dental, and its dentists, Dr. Kanji, can help.
A Dental Health Concern
Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. This can result in tooth decay, worsen gum disease and lead to tooth loss. Other orthodontic problems can contribute to abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing function, excessive stress on gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, or misalignment of the jaw joints. These can lead to chronic headaches and face or neck pain. Treatment can be less costly than the additional care required to treat dental problems arising as a result of orthodontic problems. For most people, a beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontics. After your braces come off, you’ll feel more self-confident.
How Orthodontics Can Help
Orthodontic appliances can be made of metal, ceramic, or plastic. They may be removable or they may be brackets bonded to the teeth. By placing a constant, gentle force in a carefully controlled direction, braces slowly move teeth to a corrected position. This is a great time to wear braces! Gone are the days when a metal band with a bracket was placed around each tooth. You can choose brackets that are clear or metallic color. You can choose the color of the ties that hold the wire in brackets. Wires are also less noticeable than they used to be and the latest materials move teeth faster with less discomfort to patients.
Traditional orthodontics has generally been thought of as simply straightening the teeth.Dr. Kanji take a different approach. Although one of his goals is to straighten the teeth he also ensures that the new position of the teeth put the jaw in the optimal position so as to avoid stress on the muscles surrounding the jaw, which could cause headaches, neck or face pain and other undesirable symptoms. Dr. Kanji look at the whole picture. In children, he takes his treatment planning one step further and focuses on early, preventative treatment. In doing this, he is able to utilize technological advances along with the natural growth pattern of children to guide the jaw development and often avoid the need for complicated treatment in the future such as dental extractions and jaw surgery. By modifying the growth in this way, he is able to create positive facial balance without the need for invasive surgical procedures often required later in life.