Fast Facts about Dental Implants in Calgary

May 01, 2020
<p?If you have been looking for tooth replacement solutions near you, you may have heard a thing or two about dental implants. However, most people still dwell on the misconceptions of what dental implants are. Are they everything people say they are, or are they over-hyped? Learning more about a treatment you are interested in is nothing short of wisdom. Lucky for you, we cover today some of the facts about dental implants that people may not be willing to talk about around you.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Calgary, AB are metal fixtures used in dentistry to replace missing teeth. The metal fixtures feature titanium material, which is why implants are of a sturdy build. Dental implants in Calgary are the permanent alternatives to other types of tooth replacement, including dentures and dental bridges. You are not misguided if you are looking for dental implants near you to replace your missing teeth. However, how much do you know about them? Are you even fit for them?

Which Important Facts Should You Know About Dental Implants?

Dental implant specialists in Calgary spend their time educating patients about dental implants. However, unless you have visited a dental facility, this information does not come by easily. It is why we provide it here for you. Some of the important facts you should know about implants include the following:
  • They are the strongest – of all dental appliances used to replace missing teeth, implants are by far the strongest. Even though they do not rival the strength of natural teeth, they come pretty close.
  • The implantation process is a surgical procedure – implants have to be inserted in your jawbone. This means that a small surgical procedure is necessary to achieve this goal.
  • Implants replace only the root of your tooth – this makes the greatest difference between oral implants and other types of oral appliances for replacing teeth. Implants focus on the foundation of your teeth.
  • Dental crowns have to be used – dental implants are not independent dental procedures. A lot of the time, an implant is accompanied by a dental crown. The crown will represent the replacement of the enamel structure of your teeth, while the implant replaces the root.
  • They are permanent – there is no turning back once you choose to have oral implants installed. They are inserted in your jawbone and underneath your gum tissue. You are then allowed a couple of weeks to heal. This period allows the metal fixture to fully integrate with your gums and bone. Therefore, the implant becomes part of your dentition. It is not removable or adjustable. The only way to remove it is through another surgical procedure to extract the implant.
  • Implants can last a lifetime – thanks to the stability offered by the jawbone support and the gum tissue, the foundation of implants is solid. Besides, the titanium metal fixture does not wear off easily. Therefore, with proper care, you can keep your implants for a lifetime.
  • They can be used to replace teeth in your entire mouth – usually, dental implants are used for single-tooth replacements. However, if you have no tooth remaining there is still a way to use dental implants for your tooth replacement. The difference here will be that you will not have an implant for every single tooth you are missing. Instead, and all-on-4 implant technique is used. This involves using 8 dental implants, which are strategically placed in both arcs of your mouth. Usually, 4 are placed on the lower jaw, and 4 on the upper one. Afterward, dentures are used to feature as the replacement teeth, instead of dental crowns that are used for individual teeth.
  • Implants are not for everyone – enticing as they sound, dental implants are not fitted for everyone. Implantation is a delicate surgical procedure that everyone may not qualify to get. Ideally, you need health bone tissue, as well as healthy gum tissue. If you have an ongoing medical condition that compromises your health, you may not be fit for the procedure. Besides, your dentist will require an inclusive medical history, including the medication you are taking, as those too could affect your treatment.