tooth bonding

Tooth Bonding in SE Calgary

If your smile has been suffering because of slight aesthetic imperfections, then Willow Park dentist, Dr. Kanji can help you with our smile makeover procedure: tooth bonding. Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure, which focuses on covering defects, improving structure, and enhancing the appearance of your smile by placing bonding material over the affected area. Tooth bonding is a great treatment for a lot of the common cosmetic dental problems that you may be facing. Our dental team may suggest tooth bonding with you have:
  • Tooth breakage
  • Tooth chips
  • Small cracks in teeth
  • Minor tooth discoloration
  • Small spaces between teeth
  • Short teeth that need lengthening
  • Crooked/misshapen teeth
Dental bonding is generally done for minor tooth issues. If you have moderate to severe tooth damage, you may require a more durable, protective restoration such as a porcelain inlay/onlay or a tooth crown.

The Tooth Bonding Procedure

It typically takes one visit to perform the tooth bonding procedure, and is an easy and inexpensive way to achieve the results you desire in your smile. Upon your visit to Willow Park Dental, Dr. Kanji will begin the process by selecting the appropriate shade of the material to be used by using a shade guide. The affected area will then be resurfaced to allow for a better bond between the natural tooth and the bonding material. Once the area has been prepared the bonding material will be placed on the tooth and Dr. Kanji will begin to old and shape it so that it sits well and appears natural. It is then hardening with a hardening lamp, and any further contouring by our dental team is preformed. Finally a polish will give it the natural appearance, and will help complete your dream smile. When you undergo a tooth bonding procedure it is important to note that the bonding material will break down eventually, and will require a renewal after five to ten years of use. It is also important to note that tooth bonding is not recommended for areas of your mouth that are high impact and receive a lot of pressure. For more information on how Dr. Kanji can help you achieve your beautiful, natural looking smile, make an appointment for a consultation at Willow Park Dental.
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