3 Signs That Spell Tooth Trouble
Just like any part of our body, our teeth give us signals when they need medical attention. When you experience visible problems, the first thing you should do is to make an appointment at Willow Park Dental. Some of the problems listed below are extremely common which is why many people choose to ignore the symptoms until they become unavoidable. 8 out of 10 adults ignore toothaches prolong the minor pain until it becomes something more serious and painful. Toothaches are commonly known to indicate cavities. Another common reason for toothache can also be gum disease or even an abscess or an impacted tooth. Our dentists at Willow Park Dental will evaluate your condition and facilitate your tooth before it invites more oral health problems. Cavities are filled easily and eliminating gum disease can be just as easy if treated quickly. Many people complain about tooth sensitivity when they drink Either hot or cold beverages. This can point to several problems – tooth decay, gum disease, fillings that have been worn, a worn tooth enamel or even a tooth root that has been exposed due to gum recession. These problems can be treated simply once they have been diagnosed. One of the earliest signs of gingivitis when you are having gum problems are bleeding and sore gums. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Fortunately, it is reversible. If you are having sore or bleeding gums, it is advisable to have them checked out as the problem may simply be a flossing routine that is new or you may be brushing your teeth too hard. If your gums are bleeding regularly, this could point towards gum disease. Early detection by the dentists at Willow Park Dental can save your teeth and gums.